Mrs. Isaiah Rashad
\ (ˌ)rē-ˈwīnd \
to wind again; to reverse the winding of
I haven't felt myself this much in a minute. I feel like the old me. This outfit paired with the graffiti takes me back to 21 year old me. Living in Houston Texas. Chasing down every wall of paint and experimenting with every color combination in my closet. So unapologetic. That girl is expressive and loud. Never on trend and always on her own beat.
25 year old me is a bit toned down. I don't know if its the age or my surroundings. I tell people all the time that Texas helped me find pieces of me that I needed to see in myself. I found a shiny new level of confidence and went after my every desire. It is amazing being able to press rewind and express myself through clothing as I once did.
Music I've been listening to like crazy:
k, well I love you for reading
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