On and On Again
Camo Skirt from Gabrielle Union's Collection with Fashion to Figure: Did I mention THE Gabrielle Union?? Things I've been obsessed with lately: Tik Tok. Okay I know I'm late and way too old to be learning the renegade but here me out, I'm trying. Researching the perfect robot vacuum/mop. I cannot tell yall how often I sweep and mop a day. if I skip a day or two its as if all of New Orleans walked through my kitchen. SO NASTY. I am on the hunt for something that gives me a very basic every day clean. Freaking coronavirus. Its taken over and I am always worried if its clean enough. My boyfriend is a plumber and I always wonder is this man bringing yucky-ness into my house. Vegan-ism. If you are following my IG, I'm sure you've been bombarded with annoying and mostly gross looking meatless recipes. Sorry not sorry. Ice coffee. Okay where has this been all my life. I'm a stay at home mom with a toddler and shit to do. It suppresses m...